
Intestinal infections in children. Symptoms, treatment (drugs)

Intestinal infections in children. Symptoms, treatment (drugs)

In the body healthy human pathogens of intestinal infections occur through the mouth: with food, water or from dirty hands.Intestinal infections people get sick more often during the summer.This is due to the fact that in the heat we drink more fluids, and hence, gastric juice, kills harmful microbes, diluted.In addition, in the summer, we usually drink unboiled water (from springs and from the tap).Intestinal infections in children are dangerous, because of vomiting or diarrhea is dehydration.The result can be kidney failure and others with serious complications.For example, in the nervous system (coma, cerebral edema), heart (cardiogenic shock), and liver, then you need urgent treatment of the intestine.Long-term clinical observations and comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various drugs in children with acute intestinal bacterial etiology (shigellosis, salmonellosis, and others) showed that the use of chemotherapy (group nitrofuranov, a combination of drugs sulfonamides and trimethoprim) or antibiotics (gentamicin, polymyxin, etc.) at mild and moderate forms of acute intestinal irrationally.A special group of probiotics are made on the basis of living bifidobacteria.The studies found that bifidobacteria, along with other bacteria normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract, are actively involved in water-salt metabolism, metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and other compounds, have morfokineticheskim action, participate in the recycling of bile acids which produce biologically active compounds and participate in immunegenesis; provide colonization resistance and prevent the translocation of pathogens, detoxify exogenous and endogenous substrates and metabolites, stimulate the synthesis of endogenous interferon and reparative processes in the gut, etc.Therapeutic efficacy of bifidobacteria in the OCI in both children and adults is directly dependent on the initial concentration injected daily dose.In this regard, promising were such bifidosoderzhaschie probiotics as probifor and bifidumbacterin forte in high daily doses.The composition of bifidumbacterin forte includes freeze-dried microbial ma*s of live bacteria antagonistic active strain Bifidobacterium bifidum в