
GF Recipes

GF Recipes 1/4 cup sweet (white) rice flour1 tsp to 1/2 TBL sugar (optional - works nice if you are making a sweet treat with your wraps...can add some cinnamon as well)whisk dry ing.togetherFor dessert you can add cinnamon.В Use 2 eggs to make the consistancy more dessertish.В Serve plain or with pie filling, fruit, preserves, butter and honey or cinnamon...I will sometime use coconut butter a touch of agave or maple syrup and a spirnkle of cinnamon then roll it up and cut it into little medalions like pinwheel sandwiches.В Wouldn't it be nice to take one and spread it with some strawberry preserves, a layer of thinly sliced strawberries wrap it up and then dip an end into some chocolate that hardens...drizzle with some strawberry sauce and chocolate sauce.В I can see the plate now finishe with a wh*le fresh strawberry and a sprig of mint.В YUM!Add flax water (will have gelled up) to dry ingredients.В Also add:Knead dough with your hand til it forms a nice ball.В Split the ball into two.В You will put each half onto it's own baking sheet.В Butter or oil a baking stone...or you can use parchment paper on a baking sheet.В Roll out onto the stone nice and thin.В I have a large baking stone by Pampered Chef and rolled it out covering the entire round stone.В I then salted the top of the cracker with Redmonds Real Salt and pressed lightly with my hands.В Cut to the size peices that you would like using a pizza cutter...I did ours like wheat thins.В Bake at 400 deg for 10-15 couldn't stop eating them...I had to make a second batch LOLWalnut Date Crust for pies (works great for apple!В both raw and premade pie filling) By Wendy SemyckWhir first three ingredients into the food processor.В Add water a little at a time til it forms a nice ball.В Press into you pie plate or other serving dish.В Fill with filling of your choice.В 
Home made apple pie filling or even put some apples in the food processor with cinnamon and xylitol - whir till finely chopped and blended together and spread into the crust.В Chill and serve.2 pounds raw chicken breast freshly ground (if you have a grinder - use it to grind the chicken...if not you don't...cube the chicken and whir in the food processor until mush)Whir til blendedPlace chicken into a gla*s or ss bowl.В Stir inВ 1-1.5 cups of carrot pulpВ from juicing or you can peel and finely diceВ 2 carrots...soften by blanching for 2-3 mins - stop the cooking by placing in ice water.В TakeВ one appleВ and finely dice it as well.В Soften it in a pan with butter for 1-2 mins (can use a pear).В Add diced Carrots and Apple to the chicken.В Also add: В 1/2 cup of pine nuts and chopped chives.В (play with the recipe...I've added sweet red peppers and sweet red onions finely diced as well.)Place mixture into a baggie and close.В Cut a corner off of the baggie.В Lay out a piece of plastic wrap and pipe the chicken mixture onto the plastic.В Roll the chicken up into the plastic to make a log.В Tie both ends.В Tie in center and then again in each center.В I made 4 - 3" sausages from each streatch of plastic wrap.В The Plastic wrap is your casing.В You can use kite string for your ties - clip them short.Poach the sausages in boiling water for 15 minutes.В Then you can put them into an ice bath for 15 mins to cool rapidly - serve chilled (can be stored in the fridge for up to 3-4 days.)
You can also remove the sausages from the 'casing' and warm them in a pan with a touch of butter or oil.В This leaves a nice golden tone to the outside and makes a nice breakfast sausage.If served chilled works very nicely on a salad platter...with dip, broccoli, cauliflower, pickled veggies, goat cheese, get the idea.:D

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