I am not all that interested in politics
I don’t watch any of that stuff on TV and I hate with a pa*sion the endless commercials and debates when it is election time.
But I do have something to say about those who do bash our President every chance they get
He is a man, one man.
Who has dreams and is fighting to make our country a good place to live.
All I hear is how bad the economy is, how awful the job market is and why doesn’t President Obama fix things?
For starters, he has a wh*le congress he has to answer to and they have to give their votes of approval as well
BUT THE BIGGEST THING that everyone seems to forget is this
George W Bush put this country in the dire straights it is in now
George W Bush was the man responsible Not Barrack Obama!
Why can’t people remember this?
I just don’t get it
President Obama is still working on cleaning up Bush’s mess.
And any one who thinks differently really hasn’t been not paying attention to what has been going on the last ten years.
like I said, I am not a political person, but it burns me to hear people run down Obama.
When I feel he is doing the best he can considering what Bush did to this country when he was President!
Let me entertaine you