
Tired Thursday

Tired Thursday
"Your cat Megat vomitted about 10 times today!" grandma said.Although I seriously doubt that it would be 10 times, I brought Megat to the vet anyway as he did vomit yesterday as well.(5 times was grandma's magic number).

The vet took a blood test as he said it could be kidney problems and checked Megat's gums as well."Pale" was the verdict but his test came up ok.No problems there except for a little dehydration as he had been vomitting for 2 days in a row. So now he has twice a week sub q until things go back to normal.

Dr T advised that I stop the Cyproheptadine - an anti-histamine that is sued to treat cat with no appetite as well as feline asthma.Dr T felt that the 2 mg may be too much.So we got instead Appelin, a sweet syrup, to stimulate his appetite.Dr T also gave us Cimetidine and Metoclopramide to suppress his vomitting.But we need only to give him these 2 pills if he vomits again.For now he has to take, like Toro, 1/4 Alutab twice a day for about 10 days.He also gets CANIGEST to help his tummy feel better.

Dr T injected him with some Metomide for his nausea as well.I hope he feels better soon.

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