
Scientists have discovered a gene musical abilities

Scientists have discovered a gene musical abilities

Finnish researchers together with American colleagues have identified one major and several potential areas of the human genome a*sociated with musical talent.This is stated in the report of the University of Helsinki.In an article published in the Journal of Medical Genetics, said that researchers conducted a genetic study, as well as tests of musical ability in 15 Finnish families.The results allowed to speak about the existence of a genetic component related to the ability for music."The discovery of genes or genetic variants a*sociated with perception and performance of music can give a new approach to understanding the role of music in the functioning of the human brain, human evolution and its relation to linguistic ability," - said study lead author Irma Yarvela from the University of Helsinki.Scientists note that "the musical portion" of the genome is the same place where previously established gene a*sociated with the development of one type of speech disorders - dyslexia.This, in their opinion, says that musical abilities are a*sociated with the same genetic mechanisms that speech.