How to Care for Your Child's Condition : Remedies for Baby Acne
To remedy baby acne, you can do normal baby skin care and the hormones causing the acne will wear off.Learn about possible medical treatments for baby acne with help from a pediatrician in this free video on caring forchildren.Expert: Dr.David Hill Contact: www.capefearpediatrics.com Bio: Dr.David Hill has more than 12 years of experience as a practicing pediatrician and is qualified with infants through teenagers.Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC Series Description: Infants and children can have many health conditions, from colds to allergies and asthma.Learn to care for your children's condition and when to see a doctor with help from a pediatrician in this free video series on caring for children.Baby acne is a very common condition among newborn babies.Baby acne can be present at the time of birth or may usually develop within 2 to 4 weeks after birth.Baby acne is a result of the hormonal changes in the body as these changes stimulate the oil glands in the babyГ