
Diabetics And The Dead Sea

Diabetics And The Dead Sea

This post first appeared as «Diabetic?Try a Therapeutic Dip in the Dead Sea» on The Shmooze blog of the Forward.

For many, going down to the Dead Sea to bathe in its mineral-rich waters is a sweet treat.Now, researchers are finding that just the opposite is true for diabetics which is a good thing.AВ preliminary studyВ has shown that diabetics who immersed themselves in the uniquely salty water were able to significantly reduce their blood sugar levels.

While it is too early to say that Type 2 diabetics will be able to replace their insulin shots or medications with relaxing dips in the Dead Sea, the researchers from Ben-Gurion University and Soroka Medical Center in Beer Sheva are pleased with their findings thus far.

They used a sample of 14 individuals of varying ages with Type 2 diabetes and had them each take a 20-minute dip in a pool filled with water taken from the Dead Sea.The scientists found that the diabetics’ blood glucose levels dropped by 13.5 percent when they were tested immediately upon leaving the water.An hour later, the subjects’ blood sugar levels went down even more.

Click here to read more.

В© 2011 Renee Ghert-Zand.All rights reserved.

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Llasa, Today Buddhist monks unroll a giant silk scroll known as a Thangka.

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Jeremy Maclin: I'm 'ready' for Week 1 - ESPN

Jeremy Maclin: I'm 'ready' for Week 1 - ESPN
Jeremy Maclin: I'm 'ready' for Week i ESPN "If a contestant has high blood force per unit area , we continue to test him for advanced blood pressure ." Maclin, 23, caught 70 pa*ses for 964 yards and 10 touchdowns last year.Information from The related Press was used in this report.and moreВ » Link To Article

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Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health

Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health

PRAISE FOR THE BOOK "[Janov's] work is potentially among the most important research in any field over the past century.It could possibly offer more relief from suffering that any other treatment." Dr.Geoffrey Carr, Professor and Clinical Associate, Simon Fraser University "Dr.Janov is the discoverer of a remarkable feeling therapy that taps into the feeling side of the brain." Dr.David A Goodman, Director of the Newport Neuroscience Center BOOK DESCRIPTION Neuroscience and psychologytwo fields which should complement each other in the treatment of mental health problemshave taken widely divergent paths.While neurologists work to find the answer to the human condition in minuscule neurons, psychologists study behavior to the exclusion of the brain itself.Primal Healing at last bridges the gaps between neuroscience and psychology.Dr.Janov's professional life changed in a single day when he heard an eerie scream welling up from the depths of a young man who was lying on the floor in therapy.In 1970, Dr.Janov published The Primal Scream, a major breakthrough and worldwide bestseller.The culmination of more than 30 years of research in human psychology, Primal Healing clearly explains how, for true healing to occur, you must access the deepest levels of your brain, where imprinted memories and pain lie, and fully relive the primal experiences that drive your behavior.Utilizing compelling case studies, Dr.Janov shows how the brain and nervous system can be imprinted by trauma during birth and early childhood, and how these imprinted memories give rise to all manner of physical and mental dysfunction.When you are able to access these subconscious memories, you can liberate yourself and improve your health.

Amazon Sales Rank: #626428 in Books Published on: 2006-10-15 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Binding: Hardcover 288 pages

About the Author Dr.Arthur Janov has done more than 30 years of scientific research in neurology and psychotherapy, including studies in neurochemistry, brainwave patterns, vital signs, infrared visions, and immunology.His 11 books, including his recent best-seller The Biology of Love, have been translated into 24 different languages.Janov has served on staff at the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital Psychiatric Department, and is currently Director of the Primal Center in Venice, CA.His work has also been the subject of a PBS special in the United States and documentaries in Germany, England, France and Sweden.

The best customer reviews 14 of 15 people found this review helpful.A far cry from any psychotherapy OTHER!By Frank D.Robinette HEALING PRIMAL is a book for people who want to feel better, make better choices and live a more rewarding life.That's what you're doing Primal therapy for me, and I'm sure you can do the same for you and almost anyone.I am currently undergoing Primal Primal Therapy Center Dr.Janov in Venice, CA.I can honestly say is the greatest adventure of my life.My only regret is I did not start treatment 20 years ago.When I started in the main center, which was taking Vicodin every night because of pain in the legs, hips and back.My anxiety was so great that I tremble with a shock of fear every time the phone or doorbell rang.I was afraid to drive.I was scattered and disorganized.I was down in agony, and full of despair.I had difficulty reading and can read up to five or ten minutes to an hour a nightmare all seemed very chaotic.After only one month of primary therapy, the most physical pain I suffered was gone.I might add that this pain has tormented me all my life.I do not know when I stopped in her phone and doorbell slavery.I just noticed one day that I did not either.Today, I'm just curious to see who's there.I still can not drive much, but I'm not afraid to drive.These days, I can look around my office and see that it is in good shape.It 'used to look like I threw a hand grenade here.I feel good almost every day and most of the time, I feel good.My relationship with my wife many times better than it was before treatment.Now we have a shower every day together.This may not seem like much to you, but we never had a shower with all the years of our marriage.There is now an event we look forward to both every day, and we want to wash each other pleasure.We were very familiar with each others body, the mind, now we are older and more vulnerable to certain diseases, makes.It also makes us better than we ever were.I am now much less and can be distributed with full attention for hours at a time to read - and enjoy.I'm sure you guessed that I am not an impartial critic.Primary therapy is very expensive for me.I am, 'and lovin' Livin It But I'm not writing this review to promote the primary therapy.Unfortunately, at that time only a select few can have a good primary treatment.There are too few therapists (in part because the learning curve so long and severe) and too little time.Nevertheless, the impact of research and experience are a*sociated with the primary therapy, not only numerous and deep, they are accessible for everyone to benefit.This knowledge could revolutionize obstetrics, child-rearing practices, and our educational effect of this would be to reduce mental illness, crime, drug abuse, and numerous other social ills.This will again revolutionize our prison system and law enforcement policies - not to mention foreign policy for our nation.Throughout my life I have seen a number of psychotherapies, including client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy, therapy Rea*sessment, Tavi Group therapy, cognitive therapy, therapy Feeling Therapy eclectic and also obtained a degree in psychology.With this I can a*sure you that the primary therapy is not only more efficient, the only treatment that is real science, integrated with neurosciences, so the therapist can clearly evaluate the progress of the patient.Because of this I can fully trust one of the therapists of the Primal Center, because everyone knows where I am, in the course of my treatment.I'm sure the day is not far when you hear the word psychotherapy, you will know that the primary therapy I tell all, by Dr.Janov books, including Grand delusions that he has made available on its website to read.

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Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic

Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic

An astonishing book revealing the cause and successful treatment for the plague of illnesses affecting western civilization; including obesity, heart attacks, depression, diabetes, strokes, headaches, chronic fatigue, and many more.In Dr.Starr's description of Type 2 Hypothyroidism, he presents overwhelming evidence showing a majority of Americans suffer this illness, which is due to environmental and hereditary factors.Laboratory testing used to diagnose hypothyroidism is completely inadequate, and current treatment for hypothyroidism is ineffective.Groundbreaking research shows how persistent environmental toxins prevent thyroid and other hormones from working properly.This book will lead you to understanding more about your health than anything you have ever read.

Amazon Sales Rank: #16029 in Books Published on: 2005-03-04 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: .79" h x 6.08" w x 9.02" l, 1.05 pounds Binding: Paperback 279 pages ISBN13: 9780975262405 Condition: New Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER!100% Satisfaction Guarantee.Tracking provided on most orders.Buy with Confidence!Millions of books sold!

Review Dr.Starr has written clear and understandable explanation of why so many people today are suffering from hypothyroidism, despite normal blood test that throw their doctors off the track.Having successfully treated several thousand type 2 hypothyroid patients myself over 23 years practice and watching them return to normal health, I applaud Dr.Starr s work which will hopefully reach many of those who are suffering so they can get help.His in-depth research and discussion of how environmental toxins can interfere with thyroid hormones is groundbreaking and enlightening for us all.Bravo Mark!--Robban Sica, M.D.I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book.He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it.Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine.--Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H) About the Author As a Diplomat of the American Board of Pain Medicine and Fellow of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dr.Starr delivered lectures at International Courses on Musculoskeletal Pain and Fibromyalgia.The courses were held at Mt.Sinai Hospital and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.He is a life member of the national registry of Who's Who published in the 1999 edition.Dr.Mark Starr finished his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Missouri, Rusk Rehabilitation Center in 1994.The following two years, he studied in New York City with several of the world's premier pain specialists: Hans Kraus, MD, Norman Marcus, MD.Lawrence Sonkin, MD, PhD, and Andrew A Fischer, MD, PhD.Initially, Dr.Starr worked eighteen months at the Bronx Veteran's Hospital with Dr.Fischer, the renowned musculoskeletal pain specialist, author, lecturer, and former student of Hans Kraus.Following his work with Dr.Fischer, Dr.Starr studied at the New York Pain Treatment Program at Lenox Hill Hospital, with Drs.Kraus and Marcus.Dr.Starr was treated by and studied under Dr.Sonkin, the New York Cornell Endocrinologist, who worked closely with Dr.Kraus for thirty years.Dr.Kraus'Г

Caritas Sri Lanka in support of Rizana, on death row in Saudi Arabia

Caritas Sri Lanka in support of Rizana, on death row in Saudi Arabia » SRI LANKA

by Melani Manel Perera
The young Muslim is held responsible for the death of a child in the family where she worked, at age 17.She had emigrated illegally with a false pa*sport.

Colombo (AsiaNews) Caritas Sri Lanka is calling for the country’s Catholics to continue to pray for Rizana Nafeek, the Sri Lankan girl in prison in Saudi Arabia while Muslims around the world celebrate the month of Ramadan.«I ask all Catholics to continue to pray and offer all their good wishes of solidarity for the liberation of Rafeek Nizan,» said Fr George Sigamoney.Caritas Sri Lanka will appeal to Saudi Arabia through its international network.

The director of Caritas Sri Lanka and Director of the Advisory Committee on Migrant Workers, Fr.George Sigamoney, was interviewed by AsiaNews on this issue.«We see that the government is taking the necessary steps for action in the case of Rizana».Fr.Sigamoney appreciates the effort made by the Criminal Investigations Department in Colombo to arrest the mediator responsible for having sent Rizana Nafeek to Saudi Arabia on a false pa*sport.Rizana is currently on death row in Saudi Arabia.But he has some hope for the girl’s fate.«She may yet return home, because Rizana’s fate is in the hands of the parents of the dead child.As a Church we must continue to pray for her, and to seek forgiveness from the parents.«

Fr.Sigamoney illustrates the effort of Caritas Sri Lanka: «Through our international network we have launched an appeal to the Saudi government, not only here but also from Europe.I think we should continue with this appeal, and I have written to many organizations to mobilise in support of Rizana «.In addition, the country’s Catholic Church, together with Caritas, have launched a petition for Rizana’s release: «We are making a maximum effort and we are looking for other ways to influence both the authorities of Sri Lanka that the government of Saudi Arabia to do the right thing».

Fr.Sigamoney in his capacity as a member of the Advisory Committee on Migrants recalls that the next meeting of the organization will provide suggestions and recommendations for a new policy on emigration.According to the Minister for Promotion of working abroad, Dilan Perera, Saudi Arabia has reached an agreement with Sri Lanka for better treatment of migrant workers.

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Youth Unemployment Crisis Has Longterm Implications For Teens, The Economy

Youth Unemployment Crisis Has Longterm Implications For Teens, The Economy
This July, the typical summertime peak of youth employment, the share of young people with a job was just 48.8 percent, according to fresh data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.This represents the lowest July rate since the Bureau began collecting such data, in 1948.Perhaps this grim statistic explains in part why the labor force participation rate -- those working or looking for work -- for Americans aged 16 to 24 also fell a percentage point from the previous summer to a record low of 59.5, as more kids simply gave up looking.

"There are numbers of unpleasant consequences of this," said Carl E.Van Horn, a labor economist at Rutgers University and one of the authors of the recent report "Unfulfilled Expectations: Recent College Graduates Struggle in a Troubled Economy." "Increased poverty, increased reliance on social safety net programs, potential increases in illegal or off the books work, perhaps illegal actives like crime, idleness, lack of skills, atrophy of skills, inability to get a job later when the labor market gets better -- the list goes on and on."

With so many other indicators pointing to a struggling economy and a stagnant labor market -- weak GDP growth, overall unemployment above 9 percent, an uptick in corporate layoffs -- economists say it's no surprise that the young are unable to find work.

"The economy continues to be very weak.This point cannot be over-emphasized," said Algernon Austin, director of the Race, Ethnicity and the Economy Program at the Economic Policy Institute."So we have, even in this group, at this young age, individuals who may have tried several summers, or for a year or more since completing high school or completing college, and have not been able to to find work."

A falling labor force participation rate can generally be attributed to two things: when the job market looks bleak, the longterm unemployed either go back to school or they give up looking.While part of the record-low labor force participation rate for youth can be attributed to higher education, economists say that the majority can not.

"When there's an absence of a supply of jobs, employers are able to bid up," Van Horn said."When someone steps up with a Bachelor's degree to get a job that used to be held by a high school student, that [student] gets pushed out of the labor market."

The labor force participation rate is at a record low for American workers of all ages.But economists and sociologists say that a growing group of young Americans, so frustrated by their fruitless search for employment that they give up looking entirely, could have its own unique and troubling consequences -- not just in the immediate future but for decades to come, according to experts.

"People who are the economic victims of recessions bear a burden that goes on beyond the duration of the recession," Van Horn explained.Those hardest hit, he said, are young workers and older workers, laid off and unable to find new employment."These two groups really are going to pay the heaviest price.The older workers can't get back into the labor market and the younger workers can't get in to begin with."

Within these groups, the pain is not evenly spread.According to Algernon Austin's research, compiled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and additional sources of data, black teens are the least likely to find summer work, while rich white teens are most likely.Other economists have found similar trends.

"The substantial drop in teen employment prospects has had a devastating effect on the nation’s youngest teens (16-17), males, blacks, low income youth, and inner city, minority males," wrote Andrew Sum in a report on teen summer employment for the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University."Those youth who need work experience the most get it the least, another example of the upside down world of labor markets in the past decade."

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Manic Monday

Manic Monday
Monday has arrived and the weekend did not go as planned BUT we made the best of it. We managed to go for a great bike ride before Irene showed up...although she wasn't as bad as we had thought she would be. So, on this Manic Monday I am posting pics of the weekend

Make it a great day!!

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Effects of Flexibility on Cheerleading Performance

Effects of Flexibility on Cheerleading Performance

Cheerleading requires a great deal of flexibility.To prepare for cheerleading tryouts, you should start stretching as soon as possible.Concentrate your stretching efforts on your lower body to improve your jumps and kicks.For improved flexibility and increased range of motion, stretch once a day or more.Always warm up thoroughly prior to stretching.Hold each stretch for 30 to 60 seconds.Repeat stretches two to three times.
Lower Legs
Jumps and kicks require a lot of effort from your calf muscles.Stretch these muscles daily to keep them working at their highest level.Face a wall, placing both hands on it.Extend your right leg behind you, keeping it straight.Press the heel of your right foot into the ground and keep your toes pointing straight at the wall.Lean into the wall, stretching your right calf.After holding this stretch, perform it with a bent right leg to stretch the deeper muscles of your calf.
Upper Legs
Stretch the front and the back of your upper legs to promote general flexibility in them.Stand on your left foot and place your right foot on a chair or ledge that is as tall as your knee or hip.Keep the toe and knee of your right leg pointing up and your leg straight.Lean forward toward your right knee, stretching your hamstring muscles.Next stand on your left leg with your left hand resting on the chair or ledge.Lift your right foot behind you and grab the front of that foot with your right hand.Pull your foot into your buttocks, stretching your quadriceps muscles.
Split Stretches
Mastering your splits, center and both sides, will greatly improve your jumps and kicks.Lower your body into the splits, holding the lowest point you can reach.Make sure to stretch both sides and your center splits each time you stretch.If you can already do a full split, try increasing the stretch by placing your front foot on a yoga block or a step.Another way to increase the stretch from your splits is to lean forward touching your nose to your knee.
Wall Straddle
A wall straddle will improve your flexibility for a toe touch.Lying on your back, scoot your rear up against a wall.Stretch your legs straight up along the wall with your feet pointing to the ceiling.Open your legs and allow them to straddle toward the ground.Keep your feet pointed and your legs straight as they sink closer to the ground.Keep your upper body relaxed, making sure your shoulders do not hunch up to your ears.Hold this stretch as long as you can.


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Georgia Professors Offer Courses To Undocumented Students Barred From Public Universities

Georgia Professors Offer Courses To Undocumented Students Barred From Public Universities
A harsh new anti-immigrant policy in Georgia hasclosed the doors of some of the state’s best universities to undocumented students.But a group of five professors have devised a plan to give some of these students at least a taste of the education they’ve been denied by GOP lawmakers:
В and aimed at students who have graduated from high school but can’t go to one of those top schools because of the new policy or because of cuts to state scholarship programs.«This is not a substitute for letting these students into UGA, Georgia State or the other schools,» said Pam Voekel, a history professor at UGA and one of the program’s initiators.«It is designed for people who, right now, don’t have another option.»
The professors said they’reВ seeking accreditationВ so credits could be transferable in the future if their students are accepted at other state universities.The program has minimal costs, with professors donating their time and a local Latino community outreach center offering a free space.
Last fall, the university system’s Board of RegentsВ barred any state college or universityВ that has rejected academically qualified applicants in the past two years from admitting illegal immigrants.That includes five of Georgia’s top colleges and universities.Undocumented students can still apply to other public schools for higher education, but only if they pay significantly higherВ out-of-state tuition.
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CFP: Disabled Mothers

CFP: Disabled Mothers

Co-editors: Gloria Filax and Dena Taylor

Publication Date: 2014


While there are several books on raising children with disabilities, the literature is scant on experiences of disabled women who are raising children OR the experiences of those parented by a woman with disabilities.Bringing together disability with mothering has the potential to challenge dominant narratives of both mothering AND disability.Noticing dominant ideas, meanings, and/or stories/narratives (normative discourses) regarding both в

News: Sylvania в

News: Sylvania в 
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Is caffeine bad for people with anxiety disorder?

Is caffeine bad for people with anxiety disorder?
Is caffeine bad for people with anxiety disorder?I keep hearing this.I have this kind of disorder but I drink a LOT of coffee and on top of that take caffeine pills sometimes.Is ti making my anxiety worse you think?Also, I have trouble sleeping at night so I get around 4-5 hours average a night.The sleeping may be due to too much caffeine, so try a decaf for a bitYes! I am on medication for anxiety disorder, and I was advised by my doctor to cut back significantly on caffeine. I used to drink about six cups of coffee a day. Now I have just one cup in the morning, and I feel MUCH more like myself again!

Answer by hollaw00t
coffee is one of the leading causes of sleep deprivation and sleep deprivation is one of the leading causes of anxiety, switch those caffeine pills for sleeping pills buddy.your hurting yourself here.

Answer by Advice Please
ABSOLUTELY! It's like giving sugar to a diabetic!

Social anxiety can cause these feelings, which can also lead to severe depression,

There is hope; I've been there, and still am there, it is a long, hard struggle.I recommend
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) best for me, with mild anti-anxiety meds.I suffered from social anxiety for over 15 years.I've tried individual therapy, and group therapy and studied psychology for 10 years, as a profession, but also with the hope to cure myself.

Depending on your comfort level, you could go to a psychologist that practices CBT and specializes in anxiety disorders, seek a group therapy, or create one.Usually those that do attend the group therapy are a bit more high functioning because as you know, it can be difficult to speak in a group.

Another idea is to see if there are any local research studies being conducted that you could participate in.

The program that finally worked the best for me is this one: I was lucky enough to have a structured behavioral group to go along with it.Sometimes the people that actually attend this program come back home and form groups.

I recommend a mild anti-anxiety med, and a beta-blocker (it will reduce shaking and tremors enormously, but only use in extreme situations) in addition to CBT therapy.

Any questions, let me know ...I can't tell you how much this has improved my life!

Orignal From: Is caffeine bad for people with anxiety disorder?

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TEAM PEACHY IS BACK! Team Peachy.This year we are hoping to do it all over again.This October we are hoping that Team Peachy will increase in size and we will surpa*s last year’s donations.

Any one is more than welcome to join and donations are optional.

We’d love to see you!

The Walk
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Clove Lakes Park
1150 Clove Road
Staten Island, NY

Team Peachy 2010


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Turn any room in your house into a relaxation spa with the sound machine.Bring clarity of mind throuth the 6 nature sounds, ocean, summer night, rain, rain forest, waterfall and heartbeat--which is great for a baby's room.Great for travel using batteries or take along the home adaptor.

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Girls Holding Hands

Girls Holding Hands This is a typical scene we see in Shanghai. As a matter of fact, I see it so much, so often that most of the time I don’t notice it anymore, until one day my husband made a comment, «Wow, Shanghai has a lot of lesbians!» Upon being asked for clarification, he told me that he sees girls holding hands.

Holding hands with friends is very strange in western society but very popular in Chinese customs.This applies to both sexes but is more frequently practiced by girls.

In Shanghai, as in other parts of China, holding hands, walking arm in arm with happy giggles, touching each other on the arm, or shoulder rubbing in public is no indication of a person’s sexual orientation.Instead, it is only a sign of close friendship.Girls tend to do all of the above, especially when they walk or shop together.It’s also common to see mothers and grown-up daughters hold hands or link arms, too.Touching the other person is indicative of how close one feels towards the other.Walking together without holding hands, on the other hand, means these two people are not close.In this sense, the interpersonal space is an accurate measurement (literally) of how close a person feels towards the one next to her.

Because of the cultural variation of interpersonal space, a westerner new to China tends to draw a premature conclusion that a girl holding the hand of another girl is a homosexual, based on her own cultural norm.I know from my own experience she is not.When I was in college, I always held my best friend’s hand when we were out for a walk between cla*ses and after dinner.Many of my friends did the same.I knew I was not attracted to my best friend in a romantic way.В Hand holding was such a social norm that we did not put much thought in it.

Having lived in the western society for twenty years and being aware of the cultural differences, I no longer hold hands with a girl friend, or my mother, even though I want to sometimes.I wish I were more expressive of my love and affection for my mom by holding her hands like every other mother and daughter out there!The cultural barrier makes me seemingly distant.Maybe I should explain that to her.But I think deep down she knows how much I care about her, and I also know for a fact that she totally embraces me for who I am, someone with a perpetual relationship with the two cultures, getting the benefit of both, but ultimately resulting me being totally eccentric!

News: Samuel Kohan, PhD, Psychoanalyst Video

News: Fujifilm FinePix S2950 14 MP Digital Camera with Fujinon 18x Wide Angle Optical Zoom Lens and 3-Inch LCD

News: Fujifilm FinePix S2950 14 MP Digital Camera with  Fujinon 18x Wide Angle Optical Zoom Lens and 3-Inch LCD
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How long is the perfect sex?

How long is the perfect sex?

It seems that the mythical nights of love, which avtorshi dream of romance novels for women, in reality have nothing to do - the best sex lasts 7 to 13 minutes, according to new research by American scientists.Even three minutes is enough to get "adequate" satisfaction.During a survey of American and Canadian respondents about the ideal length of penetrative sex, the interval between 7 and 13 minutes was the most "desirable", says a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine (Journal of Sexual Medicine).Sex that lasts from three to seven minutes, was called "adequate", but that lasts less than three minutes, was called "too short", and thirteen minutes long - too long." His study exercises are aimed at dispelling the myth that good sex should last a long time: "In the fantasy model of male sexuality in men a bigger penis, hard as a rock erections and sexual activity itself can last throughout the night" - says Dr.Eric Corti ."And, as we see in movies and read in books, many men and women believe in this fantasy.In our study, we received the results of real rather than fantasy model of sexuality." "The real model is useful in treating people with sexual difficulties and dysfunctions, and, more broadly, it will help prevent the development of a set of sexual dysfunction" - added Corti.Other studies show that most Americans expect penetrative sex should last between 15 to 20 minutes, but in reality it ends with a time less than more than doubled.
Malice intensifies the pain

Scientists have discovered a gene musical abilities

Scientists have discovered a gene musical abilities

Finnish researchers together with American colleagues have identified one major and several potential areas of the human genome a*sociated with musical talent.This is stated in the report of the University of Helsinki.In an article published in the Journal of Medical Genetics, said that researchers conducted a genetic study, as well as tests of musical ability in 15 Finnish families.The results allowed to speak about the existence of a genetic component related to the ability for music."The discovery of genes or genetic variants a*sociated with perception and performance of music can give a new approach to understanding the role of music in the functioning of the human brain, human evolution and its relation to linguistic ability," - said study lead author Irma Yarvela from the University of Helsinki.Scientists note that "the musical portion" of the genome is the same place where previously established gene a*sociated with the development of one type of speech disorders - dyslexia.This, in their opinion, says that musical abilities are a*sociated with the same genetic mechanisms that speech.


Vaccines: Pubs/ACIP Recommendations

Vaccines: Pubs/ACIP Recommendations The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recently published new recommendations about this year’s seasonal flu vaccine in the United States.The committee now recommends that people with egg allergy receive the flu shot, especially if they only have had mild egg-allergic reactions such as hives.The recommendation does not apply to the nasal spray influenza vaccine.Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy in the United States: Report of the NIAID-Sponsored Expert Panel. These studies show that the flu shot (which contains heat-killed flu virus) can be given safely to most people with egg allergy.[PDF-949KB / 64 pages] NEW Apr 2011 new June 2011 In This Section:
  • BCG
  • DTaP
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hib
  • Hib and DTP
  • HPV
  • Influenza
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Measles, Mumps & Rubella
  • MMRV
    • Meningococcal
    • Pneumococcal
    • Polio
    • Rabies
    • Rotavirus
    • Smallpox (Vaccinia)
    • Tdap
    • Tdap & Td Vaccines and Pregnancy
    • Typhoid
    • Varicella (Chickenpox)
    • Yellow Fever
    • Zoster (Shingles)
    [PDF-479KB / 36 pages] (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers)
  • Historical: Archived Anthrax recommendations (previous version)
  • BCG RecommendationsCDC’s policies regarding tuberculosis and BCG vaccination have evolved since the publication of the joint ACET/ACIP recommendations on the use of BCG.Consult the TB website for current TB and BCG information.
  • See also:
    • Historical: Archived BCG recommendation
  • [PDF-318KB / 32 pages] (.pdf not available) (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers)
  • ACIP VFC Resolution
  • [PDF-1.18MB / 30 pages] (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers)
  • ACIP-VFC Resolution
  • [PDF-1MB / 39 pages] [PDF-1.17MB / 40 pages] If you are using the HTML versions of either of these recommendations, be sure to access all four links to get the complete content of the document, which includes 3 important appendices. (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers)
  • ACIP-VFC Resolution
  • (.pdf not available) (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers)
  • ACIP-VFC Resolution
  • [PDF-222KB / 22 pages]
  • See also:
    • ACIP-VFC Resolution
  • (3/23/07) (5/28/10) (5/28/10)
  • See also:
    • ACIP-VFC Resolution
  • [PDF-307KB - 6 pages] (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers) (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers)
  • Historical: Archived Influenza & H1N1 recommendations (previous versions)
  • [PDF-1.55MB / 32 pages]
  • See also:
  • (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers) [PDF-565KB / 67 pages] Date ACIP Approved: June 2009 (policy notes, updated recommendations, notices to readers)
  • ACIP-VFC Resolution
  • (5/7/10)[PDF-321KB / 16 page
    Malice intensifies the pain


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    3 Effective Warm Up Drills for Effectiveness in Softball Game

    3 Effective Warm Up Drills for Effectiveness in Softball Game

    Warming up is not always the most popular part of or playing a sport.Many people find it boring and unnecessary.However, it is necessary to prevent injuries, especially when participating in sports such as softball.Drills such as four corners, heel to hammy and toy soldier warm up the muscles and can help in providing a safe and injury-free day of Four Corners
    Position players at third base fielding position, on second base, on first base and at the catcher spot.Remaining players should be lined up in the third base coach's box.Hit the ball to the third baseman, who throws to the second baseman, who then throws to the first baseman, who throws to the catcher.Next, each player will run to the position she threw to.The next player in line in the coach's box will take over at third base, and the drill continues until everyone has had a chance.This drill provides a quick warm-up and focuses on fielding, throwing and the footwork required to field a ball and immediately throw it.
    Heel to Hammy
    Hold your right ankle with your right hand and pull up.With support from your left leg, rise up onto the ball of your foot and hold for two seconds.While moving forward, release the leg and repeat the stretch on the left leg.Next, perform the same movement in a skipping motion while lightly tapping your hand to your ankle instead of grabbing it.Finally, perform the movement running with no hand use.
    Toy Soldier
    Begin walking and fully extend your right leg toward the left hand.Touch your toes with your left hand and then lower your leg.Repeat the movement with the opposite leg.Next, perform the same movement while skipping.Finally, perform the movement while running.Fully extend your leg and kick directly forward.Aim to complete as many repetitions as possible over 10 yards.

    [zeezal] Latest Photographs In Beautiful Model Bipasha Basu

    Just found a blind pigeon?<br>

    Just found a blind pigeon?<br> Just found a blind pigeon?

    { * InsideFun * } Small Lake Courthouse Towers - Images &amp; Detail



    Triamterene Why is this medication prescribed?
    Triamterene is used alone or with other medications to treat edema (fluid retention; excess fluid held in body tissues) caused by various conditions, including liver and heart disease.Triamterene is in a cla*s of medications called diuretics ('water pills').It causes the kidneys to eliminate unneeded water and sodium from the body into the urine, but reduces the loss of pota*sium.
    How should this medication be used?
    Triamterene comes as a capsule to take by mouth.It usually is taken once a day in the morning after breakfast or twice a day after breakfast and lunch.It is best to take triamterene earlier in the day so that frequent trips to the bathroom do not interfere with nighttime sleep.Take triamterene at around the same time(s) every day.Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand.Take triamterene exactly as directed.Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.
    Are there other uses for this medicine?
    Triamterene is used in combination with other diuretics to treat high blood pressure.
    This medicine may be prescribed for other uses; ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
    Other names

    Fitness Significance of Stretching Exercises

    Fitness Significance of Stretching Exercises

    is a natural activity performed by most people upon rising and after long periods of inactivity.It's best done before and after an exercise program to increase flexibility of the muscles and avoid injury.According to Jim Plummer of Functional Fitness Facts, stretching should be included in a regular fitness routine.Using a belt along with stretching helps target hard-to-reach places, such as the foot, and increase effectiveness of Significance
    During aerobic and strengthening exercise regimens, the muscles act to contract and flex repeatedly, according to can lead to tired, worn-out muscles, which invite injury.Stretching before and after running or performing any exercise program is recommended.It can be performed at home, work or the gym.A belt can be easily packed to be on hand when needed.A physician and physical therapist should be consulted when starting a stretching program in order to recover from an injury, such as a sprain.
    Before stretching, warm up the muscles.According to, this can be accomplished by walking or performing a low-intensity exercise for 10 minutes.Cold muscles can be easily overstretched, leading to injury.While performing stretches, one muscle group should be targeted at a time.Proceed at a reasonable pace while stretching, holding each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.
    Certain stretches can be adapted to using a belt.According to HubPages, a plantar fascia stretch is the best way to relieve the pain a*sociated with that condition.HubPages illustrates the exercise using a towel, but a belt can be easily substituted.With a person in a seated position, the flat of the belt is placed against the foot.The leg is extended, and using the two ends of the belt, the foot is pulled smoothly toward the knee, being held for 10 to 20 seconds.Cool Runnings illustrates a hamstring stretch.Substituting a belt for a towel and with the person lying on the back with the leg extended up, the flat of the belt is placed against the arch and the two ends of the belt are pulled down as the foot pushes up, repeating on the other side.
    Maintaining a regular stretching program has several says a regular stretching program helps increase flexibility, which can improve some of the activities of daily living, such as lifting and bending.Stretching helps improve blood circulation by increasing blood flow to the muscles.It can also help improve range of motion around the joints.Stretching is a good way to relax and relieve stress.
    Tips and Warnings
    It's possible to develop an injury from over-stretching.According to the Women's Heart Foundation, stretching should only be done to the point of feeling mild tension on the muscles.It should never be performed to the point of pain.Stretching with a belt should be done using a slow, steady motion, without bouncing back and forth.Stretching exercises should be done at least three days per week.It's best to breathe normally while performing stretches.

    Major Break Via in Skin color Cancer Medication - The length of time Until it Gets to Market?


    Why Should People Need Tips To Lose Weight?

    Why Should People Need Tips To Lose Weight? There is power in groups.Groups of people have more influence on one person than a person can have on themselves.So what does groups of people have to do with losing weight?Plenty when it comes to motivation and keeping the course with losing weight.Being with other people and committing to each other is a lot more powerful than saying to yourself that I want to lose weight.It's so easy for a
    { * InsideFun * } Small Lake Courthouse Towers - Images &amp; Detail

    Isn't it the gastroenterologist's job to detect hernia instead of me visiting the ER and getting surgery?

    Isn't it the gastroenterologist's job to detect hernia instead of me visiting the ER and getting surgery?
    In december 2008, i started experiencing lots of abdominal pains and various stomach discomfort symptoms.Gastro-enterologist in january 2009 did colonoscopy and it was normal.He then diagnosed me with Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

    The ibs medications never worked for 5 months and i continued suffering.Then last week, I started experiencing extremely sharp stomach pains and i rushed to ER at 3 am.A cat scan was done on my stomach and it was revealed i had hernias.

    The hernia was twisting the small intestine, choking its blood supply and obstructing bowel movements.The surgeons immediately performed a hernia surgey on me and i was hospitalized for a week.The surgeon said that had this hernia gone untreated, the entire small intestine would have failed.

    Yet the gastroenterologist kept saying IBS only.So is this medical malpractice on gastroentrologist part?He put my entire small intestine at risk for organ failure.And it ended up with a rough ER visit.

    Per the surgeon, the hernia was caused by scars of the appendix surgery i had in 1989.

    The surgeon also said that to diagnose with IBS, the gastro-enterologist conducts all kinds of tests and if the tests are normal and nothing is found, IBS diagnosis is given.

    However the gastro-enterologist clearly did not do all the tests as he failed to get a stomach cat scan.He only did colonoscopy and said IBS.The hernia was not even in the colon, but near the small intestine (which can't be seen in colonoscopy).

    I kept paying thousands of dollars to gastroenterologist even when i had no health insurance only because my abdominal pains were so severe. For all this hard earned money i paid, shouldn't it have been at least his obligation to give correct diagnosis?
    now i expect huge medical bills from ER for the hernia surgery and i'm unemployed and financially struggling.I will file bankruptcy.
    if gastroentrologist said i have hernia, i could have gotten health insurance before the surgery.But the sudden ER visit gave me no time whatsoever, because i trusted the gastroentrologist that I have IBS
    jamie: my university offers student health insurance and pre-existing conditions are covered.The only requirement is that student must be enrolled in 6 credits at least. The reason I did not take university health insurance is because i already graduated last year.

    But if i knew i had hernia and would need surgery, i would have enrolled in graduate school and taken health insurance.

    Also late detection of hernia posed very serious threat to small intestine.The hernia choked blood supply to SI, twisted SI and obstructed bowel movements.The SI was put at big risk for organ failure due to late discovery.I am lucky SI didn't fail.
    second gastroenterologist said IBS too.

    Jamie M
    I agree that the gastroenterologist should have run more tests to rule out anything serious, but you should have pursued the issue when you weren't getting any better.If he blew you off, you could have seen another doctor who would run more thorough tests to find out what was wrong.It's not the gastroenterologist's fault that you did not have health insurance, and keep in mind, you would have had huge medical bills if he did run more tests to diagnose the hernia.If the hernia would have been caught before you ended up in the ER, you still would have had to have surgery to repair it.If you were even thinking about getting insurance, you should have done it before something happened.If you would have waited for the hernia diagnosis, insurance companies may have looked at it as a pre-existing condition and may not have covered it anyway.

    Add your own answer in the comments!

    Orignal From: Isn't it the gastroenterologist's job to detect hernia instead of me visiting the ER and getting surgery?

    Turning the Corner

    Medical law case of the month: settlement release applied to agents as well as principals.(Case overview): An article from: Medical Law's Regan Report

    Medical law case of the month: settlement release applied to agents as well as principals.(Case overview): An article from: Medical Law's Regan Report This digital document is an article from Medical Law's Regan Report, published by Medical Law Publishing on January 1, 2010.The length of the article is 812 words.The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page.The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase.You can view it with any web browser.
    Malice intensifies the pain

    Harsh sentence for US hikers could spell trouble for Ahmadinejad

    Harsh sentence for US hikers could spell trouble for Ahmadinejad

    A day after two American hikers received an eight-year sentence for «crossing the border illegally into Iran and spying for US,» it appears the men may now be victims of Iran’s internal political tensions.

    Iran has held Shane Bauer and Joshua Fattal in prison for more than two years.In the weeks leading up to their sentencing, senior Iranian officials close to the president made comments to local media outlets that fueled speculation that the two men would likely be released.

    According to the Christian Science Monitor, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had himself urged the court to make a light ruling.

    Within the world of Iranian politics, however, a lighter sentence would have created the impression that the judiciary had caved to political pressure from the Ahmadinejad administration.
    Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy