
You Don't Have to Give Up Celebrating With Food

You Don't Have to Give Up Celebrating With Food

Every society celebrates with food and ours does it in spades.Because it is essential to life and most societies have very little of it, food has become the gold standard for celebrating things, just behind money.Let's face it, most of us would rather get gold than food on our birthday.

For those of us in North America the sheer abundance and availability of food makes celebrating with it even easier and often gives us a chance to celebrate even if the only reason we're celebrating is because of the food.Restaurants and grocery stores put the reason to celebrate in front of us every day and it's hard to turn down the chance to have something good to eat and call it having fun.

Having fun and celebrating with food are one of the main culprits behind the weight problem in our society and it creates a big challenge for those of us who are trying to change our eating habits.We simply haven't been able to find a more enjoyable or alternative way to celebrate birthdays, family get togethers, public events and just plain old socializing.Trying to have a party without food is like having a car without wheels, it won't be much fun.

The question is "do we really need to get rid of this enjoyable habit that we have created in order to lose weight?" I'm not so sure we do.

Eating good food and using it to celebrate and have a good time is something we shouldn't have to give up, even if we're overweight.We can still participate if we just do it a little different and that's where changing your habits comes into play.

Rather than overdoing it where food is served, develop some small habits that will lead to eating less calories while still enjoying the event or circumstance.Just because someone has a table loaded with good free food doesn't mean you have to stuff yourself.Enjoy a little of everything and be aware of just how much you're eating.Have the courage to stay away from food habits you have changed, like cheese, nuts, potato chips and dip.There are other things to enjoy.

Rethink how you react to the food that's served at private and public events and realize that just small habit changes will lead to significant weight changes.You don't have to change your life or give up the fun of eating to be successful with permanent weight loss.

Remember, your eating habits are a mind game and it's just a habit.

My name is Larry Allen and I spent the last three years researching and analyzing why diet and exercise programs don't work for most people.

"It's Just A Habit" is a bold new approach to permanent weight loss.It shows how making small changes to your habits can have dramatic results that are not achievable through diet and exercise.No diet and exercise plans, no pills, no hype and no phony promises.It's simple and it's easy.View the original article here
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