

Gymnastics This evening, Peeper and I took a free demo cla*s atВ a gymnastics and dance studio near our house.

She loooooved it, but I think that instead of enrollingВ there, we'll probably take what we a*sume is a very similar cla*s at the city recreation center, starting in a few weeks, because it's cheaper.

(This place is $40 forВ a yearly membership, and $47/month for the cla*s, starting and stopping at any point.The rec center is $39 for a six-week session.That's kind of a big difference.)

The rec center's comparable cla*s is for "18 months to under 3 years," and the first session ends, literally, two days before she turns three (!) so she'd be about the oldest in the cla*s.

They have another cla*s, for three year olds, called "Sporties for Shorties" (I love that!) that teaches the basics of soccer, basketball and tee ball.I think she'd really like that, but I don't know that she'd be ready to go right into it the week after her birhtday, especially since it's not a Mommy and Me.

But, I'm thinking I'll talk to the instructor of the other cla*s and see what s/he thinks, and maybe it would be best anyway to take a break from it and put her in that after the holidays, or even the spring, when she's a lot three-er.

In the meantime, though, she did great tonight.She (mostly) followed directions and (mostly) listened to the teacher.She had no problem marching off after the teacher to go get a ball, or running over to the ball bin with the other kids to return it, or letting the teacher take her around the room to demonstrate all the "stations."

At one point, the teacher even told me that "She seems like she's really athletic!"

I tried not to laugh out loud.

She was not really getting the concept of a logroll.About the time she figure it out, they switched to a front roll, which totally confused her.If we do decide to go ahead and take this cla*s, I think I will find a different time/day to go, though, because there was this one little girl in there who's taken the cla*s before, but surely that's the extend of her gymnastics training, because she's three years old, but her mother is clearly Gymnastics Mom.

She was using all the proper terminology for everything (I a*sume.What do I know.) and was all over this poor kid for the wh*le hour, squawking at her to do every little thing rigth when the teacher said it, and perfectly.


I'm sorry that your gymnastics days are over, lady, and you're old and fat now, but let your kid have some fun.She's three f**king years old.

I can't listen to that week in and week out.Seriously, I will sign up for a less convenient time rather than having to be in the cla*s with her.Can.Not.Handle.

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